Day Ninety-one – Matthew 27:11-26
Themes from the previous scene echo in Pilate’s interview with Jesus. Judas has already confessed the Lord’s innocence, which Pilate’s wife reiterates–an innocence that Pilate futilely attempted to achieve by washing his hands (vv. 4, 19, 24). Then Pilate threw the same callous phrase at the people that the chief priests and elders had thrown at Judas, “See to that yourself! [yourselves]” (vv. 4 & 24). Also, both raise the question of who is responsible for Jesus’ blood (vv. 4, 6-8, 24-25).
One stark contrast between the two passages is Judas’ clear admission of the sin he had committed and the crowd’s in ability to answer Pilate’s question regarding Jesus, “What evil has He done?” (v. 23). This leaves us wondering who was really on trial that dark day.
Pilate was not the first person to be “quite amazed” at Jesus. The Lord evoked amazement and wonder everywhere He went. Usually people were amazed by the miracles and teaching of Jesus; here, Pilate is amazed at His silence. Regardless of whether He is calming the storm, embracing the children, forgiving the sinner, or silently going to His cross, Jesus is quite amazing.
O Jesus, we will never have You “figured out” or predict what You will do next. Perhaps today some of us are filled with grief and assume that You will leave us drowning in it for the rest of our lives. Well, we may be “quite amazed” by Your next move in our lives. Perhaps we once longed for a breath-taking encounter with You, but gradually gave up that hope. Will we soon be “quite amazed” by what You have in store for us? In one way or another, You will always amaze us. Indeed, You are full of surprises.