When will we meet again?
As of today, there is no definite date for resuming our Sunday morning meetings when we will be together again physically. Although there are a number of logistical challenges to overcome before we get to that place, our primary concern is for everyone’s safety, especially those who for health reasons are most at risk.
I doubt that you need to be reminded that it is necessary to discern the difference between faith and presumption. When the devil tempted Jesus to jump from the pinnacle of the temple, Jesus could have said, “Yeah, I’ll do that; I believe in a God of miracles! And when the angels catch Me, you’ll see that I am the Son of God.” But he didn’t. What the Lord said was, “It is written,
‘You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.'”
Now, if the angels would have caught anyone, it would have been Jesus, but he chose instead not to test God. So that is the path we are taking as well.
If you need to speak to someone person to person, please private message us on our Facebook page or leave a comment on our blog site with your phone number, and we will get back to you.
Grace and peace