Welcome and Prayer: Jim Calhoun
Come Lord join us here today.
Thank you Lord
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you for a year of goodness
For a year of tender care
For a year of abiding patience
Thank you for your unending love
Your constant presence (as a simple matter of fact)
Whether we could perceive it or not
And for the drips and drops
The nudges and pokes
To help us know you are near
Thank you for the stumbles on the path
The false starts
The brick walls
That had us calling out your name
First in frustration or fear
But in time with affection
It is more difficult to thank you for
Our disappointments
Our losses
Our failures
Our loneliness and isolation
And even more so for
Our need to grow
To step into the next thing you have for us
To take full advantage of an unexpected opportunity
To heal our deepest wounds
Because we are afraid
Afraid we will lose who we are today
Afraid that we won’t be able to rise to the challenge
Afraid that everything we know will collapse
Afraid that we will be judged and discarded
But Lord, even for our need to grow and our need to heal we thank you
Trusting you will hold us
Lift us up
Carry us along
And take us through
Even if we freeze
Even when we turn back
Even if we fight you
Even if we must start again again
So we thank you for all the fresh starts and second chances
For the third chances
And all the times we get to try again
For the grace of living life in you
For the seven times seventy you grant us
Because this is what we need as humans
Frail, flawed and finite
Dependent upon you
Morning Talk: chuck smith, jr.
Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them Matthew 5:17
Intro: We need to know where we are in Jesus’ Sermon
Verses 17-20 are the heart of the Sermon (perhaps the heart of the entire Bible)
– these verses hold the key to interpreting the rest of Sermon
• unfortunately, many Christians read this passage, but don’t understand it
– speculations have resulted in some big errors:
• one, is that Jesus and St. Paul were not on the same page
◦ i.e., Jesus taught we’re made righteous by the Law
◦ Paul insisted we’re righteous by faith, and not works of the Law
• another error: the Sermon was meant for a Jewish audience not for Christian disciples
◦ because of this kind of misreading and faulty interpretation, it’s really important that we get this right
I want to give you a layout of the terrain we’re going to cover
Jesus reveals two big ideas in verses 17 and 20
– in between those verses, Jesus drives home the first big idea
• his emphasis is so strong, it sounds like he’s exaggerating
◦ v. 18 stresses the permanence of the smallest details of Law
◦ v. 19 addresses the way people treat Law–and the consequences of their actions
• then, in verse 20, Jesus drives home his second big idea
◦ it would have sounded to his disciples even more preposterous than the first
– after these big ideas, Jesus illustrates them with six examples
V. 17, Jesus begins with a caveat and a shocking surprise
A surprise, because we’ve heard that Christians aren’t under the Old Testament Law
– Paul, writing to the Romans (and to the Galatians, who had disappointed him in this regard)
For by works of the law no human being will be [made righteous] in [God’s] sight (Ro. 3:20)
For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes (Ro. 10:4)
• ever since the Reformation, this has been stressed so strongly
◦ that it has become the key doctrine of salvation for many believers
– being grounded in this belief, we’re shocked by what Jesus says
• “Do not think I have come to abolish the law”
◦ Do not suppose or imagine – Do not draw this conclusion
• this does make sense when you consider that Jesus is Son of the Father, who delivered his Law to humankind
◦ he also ties the Law in with “the Prophets”
(which between the two of them often stand for the entire Old Testament)
◦ after his resurrection, Jesus told his disciples
“. . . everything written about me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled” (Lk. 24:44)
– “fulfill” is same word he used here in Matthew 5:17
Amy-Jill Levine, “When Jesus speaks of ‘fulfilling’ the Torah, he signals that he is drawing out its full implications.”
• Matthew is fond of this word “fulfill” and its significance
“All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet” (Mt. 1:22; the same, or a similar phrase appears also in Mt. 2:15, 17, 23; & 4:14)
What “fulfills” the Law and Prophets?
Something we’ll come to later in the Sermon gives us a clue
“So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets” (Mt. 7:12)
◦ then Jesus totally gives it away in the last week of his public ministry (Mt. 22:34-40!)
• how I understand the fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets:
◦ it has to do with the power of God’s word (demonstrated on Mt. Sinai and in the visions and oracles of the prophets)
◦ there’ a spiritual potential in all God commands and promises
◦ Jesus actualizes, or releases that potential
he brings God’s word to its fullness in the lives of his disciples
Even though Paul was correct regarding the Law; i.e., that it can’t make us right with God,
– the Law is still is a vital and valuable revelation and also a connection with God
• but even more important is it’s fundamental significance
◦ it was never about making people perfectly obedient slaves,
◦ but it represented the formation of a bond with God
• in normal course of human affairs, people made agreements
◦ relationships were built on those agreements
◦ this involved a formal process in which they swore loyalty to each other
– the most intimate bond was the marriage covenant
• that is the significance of the Law
◦ it was Israel’s sworn covenant with God
“Now therefore, if you will indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my treasured possession among all peoples (Ex. 19:5)
And [Moses] wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant, the Ten Commandments (Ex. 34:28)
• this is the first indication that the Law is primarily relational
Jonathan Pennington, “This [view of the Law] is a far cry from the images of dusty old law books, large marble-filled rooms, and powerful judges standing coldly and objectively over us as we sit fearful in a box awaiting sentencing. Tora is covenantal and relational.”
Vv. 18-19, Jesus takes us deeper into the surprise
First (v. 18), the Law is here for the entire duration of the universe
– reading through the Law, some of it is obviously irrelevant
(when was the last time you saw your enemy’s ox stuck in a ditch?)
• but though the particular situations don’t fit our context,
◦ there are general principles behind them that do
◦ so we can still find relevant applications
• to make certain we do not shrug off chunks of the Law, Jesus adds,
“not an iota, not a dot will pass from the Law until all is accomplished”
◦ we would say, every ‘t’ is crossed and ‘I’ is dotted
– “until all is accomplished” – or all his come into being
• “accomplished” signifies the same thing as “fulfilled,” simply from a different point of view
• honing in on the smallest details of the Law adds force to the point Jesus is making
Secondly (v. 19), there is no tension between the Law and the kingdom of God
– God’s faithful teacher will not avoid or disrespect the Law
• one thing is certain: the Law was adored by spiritual souls we encounter in the Hebrew Scriptures
“O how I love your law!
It is my meditation all the day” (Ps. 119:97)
• we don’t have time to look into their great affection for it, but many instances occur in the Psalms
V. 20 provides the key to interpreting these four verses
This would have struck terror into hearts of those who heard it
Jonathan Pennington, “On the one hand this is shockingly bad news, because in Jesus’ day the scribes and the Pharisees were the righteous untouchables who were obviously far superior in righteousness to the mere masses.”
– but we have to immediately discard this reaction
• Jesus is not putting us in a piety competition of with the scribes and Pharisees
◦ he is not saying we must work harder to obey the letter of law
• it is not a matter of volume (how many commandments are you faithfully obeying) but of essence
◦ Jesus is not saying, “You must be more religious, more devout, more intense or passionate than the scribes and Pharisees”
◦ He is saying, “You must go about this differently from how they observe the Law”
– what was the problem with righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees?
• we find out all through Matthew in Jesus’ conflict with them,
and then Jesus provides us list of their failures in chapter 23; for instance,
“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you tithe mint and dill and cumin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faithfulness” (Mt. 23:23)
(a significant contrast between law keeping in minutia, while neglecting the truly important broad strokes of the law)
• the Scribes and Pharisees missed the spirit of the Law, the true heart of the Law, and the heart of the Law is everything
◦ they missed the forest for the trees
– what Jesus illustrates is that the law is relational
• the scribes and Pharisees treated it as if it were moral
• what happens when we treat the Law as a moral code?
◦ we become fixated on ourselves!
“How am I doing? Have I broken a commandment recently?”
◦ we have less love or concern for others
◦ and we tend to become judgmental and treat others as being inferior to ourselves
– Mark gives us an insight into the Pharisee’s type of righteous
“For the Pharisees . . . do not eat unless they wash their hands properly, holding to the tradition of the elders, and when they come from the marketplace, the do not eat unless they wash. And there are many other traditions that they observe . . . .” (Mk. 7:3-4)
• these are all add-ons that are not found in the law, but in the tradition embraced by the Pharisees
My med: A few weeks ago, while reading Mt. 12:1-8, I had this thought: “Whatever a righteousness that exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees means, it is not a more meticulous adherence to the letter of the law. This is proven when Jesus argues from the case of human need and compassion, demonstrating that specific stipulations of the law can be overridden in certain cases. It seems the question that determines the case, is this: What action best fulfills the spirit of the law, which is love for God and love for others. AND, it is here in verse 14 that the Pharisees show their true colors in conspiring to destroy Jesus for healing a man on the Sabbath. That is why (and in what way) their concept and practice of righteousness must be surpassed.”
• Paul cuts to the chase by declaring, “love is the fulfilling of the law” (Ro. 13:8-11)
• this is the essence of the “new covenant” (cf. Hebrews chapters 8-9)
◦ God gets his Law written inside of us and not merely to us
“Behold, the days are coming, declares the LORD, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah, not like the covenant that I made with their fathers on the day when I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, my covenant that they broke, though I was their husband, declares the LORD. For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the LORD: I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people” (Jer. 31:31-33)
◦ the Law is fulfilled in our lives, when the spirit of it is written in our hearts
Conclusion: Many Christians practice the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees
They go to church, pray, read their Bibles (infrequently), tithe, and they may attempt to live virtuous lives and convert others
The law of love, however, is much more challenging
(We will see this when we get to verse 44, where Jesus says, love your enemies! )
We might want to begin this way of fulfilling the Law by admitting that we’re broken
The world is hard on people – but then, so is the Church – and so are many families
We love imperfectly – sparingly – prejudicially
We are broken, but there is healing – in the love of Jesus
Receiving his love, love for God is birthed in our hearts,
and love for our neighbor as well
And THAT is what fulfills the Law!
Welcome and Prayer: Jim Calhoun
Come Lord join us here today
This week we will be consumed with giving and receiving
With tokens, symbols, expressions of our affection
For our circle of family and friends
Large or small
According to our means
All of this to celebrate your coming,
Emmanuel, God with us
Our hope
Our salvation
And anticipating your coming again, to set things right
And we and our gifts are like echoes of the Magi
The wise men
Bringing gifts to you, when first born.
Deepen our impulse to bring gifts in your honor
And round them out with more kindness
More gentleness
More patience
For those we hold in our affections
And for those we are called to love
Who we hold no natural ties or bonds
Deepen our love with courage
And steadfastness
And help us to live in this moment
Fully giving ourselves to you
In your presence
Just now
Full of joy
Taking another step forward into
The mystery of your coming
Becoming, each of us, in the flesh, peace in this world
Becoming the embodiment of goodwill for all
In our loving becoming Shalom
Morning Talk: chuck smith, jr.
You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet.
You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp to put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven Matthew 5:13-16
Intro: Back in the days, when I was the pastor of a sizeable church,
We would celebrate Christmas with big productions. One year, when the stage was crowded with props and children, the music still ringing in our ears, I went to the microphone with my Bible in hand. As I began to speak, a girl six or seven years old, who had been sitting on a step right in front of me, stood up. She turned around, and with hands on her hips looked up at me and said, “Boring!”
– Christmas is a challenge – we run through the same story every year
• but here’s a twist:
◦ we’ve heard (plenty of times ) that Jesus is God’s Christmas gift to world
◦ but coming to Christmas through the Sermon, we hear something new
• Jesus announces that he is not God’s only Christmas gift
◦ we are also God’s gift to the world–we’re not the big one;
◦ we’re more like stocking stuffers – but still, we’re salt and light
The Big Idea
Jesus’ positive influence in your life
makes you a positive influence in the world
Jesus has shown us a portrait of his “Beatitude people”
The Beatitudes describe character traits, alien to human nature
– they won’t help you achieve success in any human culture
• they appear as weaknesses, not strengths; deficits, not assets
◦ so there must be some secret behind them that makes sense
◦ and there is! Later in Matthew, Jesus explains it to his disciples,
“To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given” (Mt. 13:11); “secrets” translates the Greek musterion – mystery
• everyone in the Jewish culture of Jesus’ time knew about the kingdom
◦ it was in the prophecies of Isaiah, especially – the coming Messiah and restoration of the Davidic dynasty
◦ they were waiting for the kingdom to come, praying for it, longing for it
◦ but the mystery was that the kingdom had arrived
George Ladd, “The most distinctive fact in Jesus’ proclamation of the Kingdom was its present inbreaking in history in his own person and mission. . . . There are several texts that speak of entering the Kingdom as a present reality.”
– in the next chapter, Jesus will teach his disciples to pray,
“Your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven” (Mt 6:10)
• God’s kingdom is where everything runs according to his will
◦ that’s heaven – everything perfect, good, beautiful; everything done in, through, and around love
• so Jesus’ “Beatitude people” live in two realms:
◦ the present, natural world and also a present, yet heavenly, realm
◦ in his letter to the Colossians, Paul wrote:
“He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son” (Col. 1:13)
We need this insight regarding God’s realm to understand Jesus
– to appreciate where he is taking us and we need to be willing to embrace it
• but most of all, we need to experience the mystery
• the more we move our lives toward Jesus,
◦ the more real the presentness of God’s realm becomes
In these verses of the Sermon, Jesus uses two metaphors
They are obviously connected, because they have same pattern
– both begin with “You are”; both locate us on earth/in world;
• and both emphasize the importance that we be what we are
– when Jesus says, “You,” it’s the same you as in the last Beatitude
• “You who are poor in spirit, who are meek, who mourn,” and so on
• the point of the metaphors is, Jesus’ “Beatitude people” have an influence in the world
“You are the salt of the earth”
What can this mean?
– salt is a necessity for both physical and mental health
– salt is used to purify water
– salt is a preservative
– salt adds flavor to foods
– salt was added to Israel’s sacrifices, to sanctify them
Jesus doesn’t designate a specific interpretation of “salt”
– biblical examples of the above possibilities include families and cultures that were:
• “preserved” by the presence of God’s people
• “cleansed or purified” because a servant of God was present
• “made healthier” by habits they shared with God’s people
– but I also like to think, that when Christians are at their very best,
• they add flavor to the life of a community
• I wish we were all as lively and confident as Paul, who wrote:
“But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere” (2 Cor. 2:14)
Jesus raises the possibility that salt might not do its job
– he doesn’t describe what is lost in the environment–e.g., without salt meat stored at room temperature would go bad–
• but he tells us what happens to the useless salt–it’s “tossed out”
• technically, salt can’t lose its taste (any more than light can lose its visibility)
◦ but “lose its taste” translates the Greek word is moraino; it’s root is moron and is translated “foolishness” elsewhere
◦ through foolishness, disciples can forfeit their influence in the world
– useless salt is tossed out and trampled
• trampled, perhaps, because they don’t stand out and so no one sees them
• or maybe they’re so beneath others that no one bothers to look out for them
– the value of salt is in what it IS
• not what it has to try to be or must be trained to do
◦ salt is its essence, its nature
• I think it’s beautiful to think of our new nature in Jesus in this way
◦ we don’t have to try to be anything we are not
◦ we only need to be our true selves (e.g., Ep. 4:20-24)
“You are the light of the world”
Like salt, there are different meanings that light can have
– obviously, to illuminate a dark environment
• but also as a beacon – like a lighthouse, where we look at the light
• for centuries, we’ve known the healing properties of sunlight
◦ some internal lesions are now treated with light’s energy by way of fiber optics
• also recently, crime scenes can turn up evidence through the help of forensic light
– again, Jesus does not identify a specific quality of light, other than it is useful in dark environments
Jesus says something so obvious, that we may pass right over it
– you don’t light a lamp or flip a switch just to cover the light that is emitted
• why would Jesus even bother to make this point?
◦ I would say it’s because he knows us so well
◦ sometimes we do want to hide our spiritual life
• we’re with people whose reaction to us being disciples would embarrass us
◦ or we want to cross a line, without being held accountable to Christian beliefs
◦ or we don’t want to be identified with all the nonsense and ugliness
– whenever someone asks my wife Barb if she’s a Christian, she asks them, “Tell me what that word means to you?”
• their answer may not match hers or the life she wants to life
“let your light shine before others . . .”
Jesus does not say, “Get out there be my sales force”
– or “Be my police in the world, passing and enforcing religious laws”
• what he says is, “Just live truth in you define who you are, and let that be your witness to the world”
“so that they may see your good works . . .”
There are Christians who have a totally wrong idea regarding “good works”
(one Bible commentator wrote, “Good works are good for nothing”)
• Paul’s criticism of “works righteousness” is related specifically to works of the law with the intention of earning salvation
• but when it comes to good deeds, or “random acts of kindness,” Paul is all over that
“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” (Ep. 2:10)
◦ and he makes similar comments in at least eight other places in his letters
“and give glory to your Father in heaven”
Christians doing good in the world reflects well on God
– here is the first time in the Sermon that Jesus refers to God as Father
• and when he does, he says God is your Father in heaven
◦ which is also how he taught us to pray: “Our Father”
Eddie Piorek began teaching and demonstrating “The Father’s Love” after he discovered it for himself in a profound encounter, that was both healing and enlightening. Since his initial experience, he has been asked to share what receiving the Father’s love can release, heal, and empower in God’s children here and around the world.
• “The Father’s love” is a new vision of a true Father–our heavenly Father
Conclusion: I want to stress on last thought
There are “good works” that come naturally for you
Ways that you assist others, meet needs, provide care, and so on
Those good works are not like chores for you–you may not even think of them as a big deal
It doesn’t feel like you are going out of your way,
nor do you groan when the opportunity comes for you to share what you have to give
You don’t have to mimic others.
You have your own brand of good works
And . . .
Christmas is the perfect opportunity to go wild with good works
Welcome and Prayer: Jim Calhoun
Come Lord, join us here this morning.
Every breath is a gift.
And so is everyday.
The moment by moment
Connection with you
The life abiding
Our lives abundant
With you
In you
Have us crying out in joy
Yes, there are challenges
And sometimes we feel our joy being taken from us
By circumstance
By the grind of financial pressure
By the pain of physical or mental illness
By the challenge of relationships
By a world gone wrong
And they pull us away and we lose focus
And our joy fizzles
And we turn aside
As if, somehow, we know better.
Let our focus be you
Your coming
And your coming again
Your presence just now
Your long considered care
Your tender affection
Your good great love
Knowing every raindrop is a gift
Every morning sun
Every gentle breeze
Every shining star.
Knowing nothing can separate us from your love
That you are with us always
Redeeming us
Healing us
Making us whole
And it is enough
More than enough
to fill our hearts
With joy
Morning Talk: Eddie Pioreck
The central miracle asserted by Christians is the Incarnation. They say that God
became Man. Every other miracle prepares for this, or exhibits this, or results from this.
C. S. Lewis, “. . . In the Christian story God descends to re-ascend. He comes down; down from the
heights of absolute being into time and space, down into humanity . . . down to the very
roots and sea-bed of the Nature He has created.” (C S Lewis)
Incarnation literally means “embodied in flesh…or taking on flesh”
The union of the Divine Nature with human nature…as the Son of God assumed our
flesh, body and soul.
Anticipation of the Incarnation
The fortress will be abandoned,
the noisy city deserted;
citadel and watchtower will become a wasteland forever,
the delight of donkeys, a pasture for flocks,
till the Spirit is poured on us from on high,
and the desert becomes a fertile field,
and the fertile field seems like a forest. Isaiah 32:15
The words, “to come upon” is an idiom used in the Septuagint (a translation of the Old Testament into the Greek language). This same idiom recurs in the famous prophecy of Joel:
And it shall come to pass afterword,
that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh . . . . (Joel 2:28-29)
You might remember that Peter quoted this verse on the Day of Pentecost to explain what was happening to Jesus’ disciples in the temple (Acts 2:14-18)
Word Bible Commentary, “This is the eschatological coming of the Spirit that will cause the wilderness to become a fruitful field.” (WBC)
This prophesied coming of the Spirit looks forward to the transformation of all
things through the Incarnation of the Son of God. All of Creation eagerly awaits
His Coming.
Announcement of the Incarnation
In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. And the virgin’s name was Mary. And he came to her and said, “Greetings, O favored one, the Lord is with you!” But she was greatly troubled at the saying, and tried to discern what sort of greeting this might be. And the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. And the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.”
And Mary said to the angel, “How will this be, since I am a virgin?”
And the angel answered her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be called holy—the Son of God. And behold, your relative Elizabeth in her old age has also conceived a son, and this is the sixth month with her who was called barren. For nothing will be impossible with God.”
And Mary said, “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her Luke 1:26-38
Prior to Gabriel’s announcement to Mary, Israel lived in expectation of the fulfillment of God’s promise that he gave through the prophets. This is now the unfolding of his promise. So this is a big moment when Gabriel delivers the message.
The angelic announcement to Mary, that she had been chosen to conceive the Son of God while
still a virgin, is understandably a bit overwhelming, eliciting her question of “How?”
The answer, in the same language as Isaiah 32:15, is that, the Spirit will come upon you
and the Glorious Power of God will bring about the Great Incarnation that will change
Word Biblical Commentary, “By the sheer power of God a child will be born whose origin is not that of normal human generation.
The moment of the miraculous conception is hidden in the silence of Scripture while John
makes clear the result:
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth (John 1:14)
The Greek New Testament has two words for “flesh”; soma refers the physical body, but sarx, though it is related to the body with is needs, drives, and desires, is used (especially by Paul) in reference to the human condition, which by nature resists God (Romans 8:3-8).
That the “Word became flesh” tells us that Jesus entered fully into the depths of what it means to be human.
Paul comments on the Mystery of it all:
“Great indeed, we confess, is the mystery of godliness:
He was manifested in the flesh,
vindicated by the Spirit, seen by angels,
proclaimed among the nations,
believed on in the world, taken up in glory (1 Tim. 3:16)
Apprehension of Incarnational Presence
(My Franciscan tendencies will become obvious in this next section)
What has happened, is that God has come to us, entered into the heart of our humanness, and what is left for us it to become aware of this miracle. We apprehend the Incarnation on three levels.
Personal Level
Jesus promised his disciple that the Holy Spirit would “come upon them” and they would “receive power”
(Acts 1:8)
Jesus was using the same “come upon” idiom we found in Luke 1:35. On Pentecost they are filled to the
depths of their personal being. Paul’s description of the result of God’s Spirit dwelling in us and coming upon us is, “Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Col 1:27)
Richard Rohr suggests that the Spirit fills us to a “cellular level.”
When I began to experience the Spirit of God in this way, it opened my eyes to a whole new reality. A whole new way of being in the world. The Spirit works in the depths of our being, bringing to life the peace, mercy, love, goodness, and all the other spiritual virtues and fruits.
Panoramic Level
In Colossians, Paul speaks of Christ as being “before all things, and in him all things hold together” (Col. 1:17). Jesus does not exist outside of our lived experience of reality.
The way I imagine this, is that Jesus is sort of the “Cosmic Glue” that, to a subatomic state, holds the material universe together.
A few of the Psalms express the wonder, the goodness, the faithfulness, even the joy of God in the natural world. Paul picked up this revelation, and though less poetic, but every bit as profound, he wrote:
“For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world in the things that have been made” (Romans 1:20). When we know this to be true, the world around us opens in new ways.
During a period of uncertainty, I walked the beach near our home to clear my mind. I know that asking for a sign from God can seem silly, but I did it anyway. Suddenly this osprey, with wings spread wide, was gliding over my head. Right then I understood that God not only speaks to me through the Scriptures and quietly within my heart and mind, but through the natural world around me. He assures me of his presence, his faithfulness, and his love. Since then, there have been other times when, not a dove but an osprey has brought the goodness of God to me. I am now trying to make as many of those connections as possible.
The Presence of Christ in creation is a mystery, but his Presence can manifest itself in wondrous ways to the contemplatively aware.
Bishop Kallistos Ware, “The creation in its entirety is God’s handiwork; in their inner essence all created
things are ‘exceedingly good.’”
People Level
Humankind bears the “imago Dei,” the image of God, and as such each person has intrinsic value
and a spiritual inscape. (Gen 1:27) When we see persons at that divine depth it is
possible for the miraculous to happen! It could be “blurred,” but it’s there.
When we see others in this way, we are seeing them through the eyes of Jesus–family as well as strangers, enemies as well as friends. Everyone unique, everyone valuable, everyone reflecting something of the God who created each one of them.
Thomas Merton describes such a moment:
“In Louisville…in the center of the shopping district, I was suddenly overwhelmed
with the realization that I loved all these people…There is no way of telling these
people that they are all shining like the sun.
“It is like a pure diamond, blazing with the invisible light of heaven. It is in
everybody, and if we could see these billions of points of light coming together in
the face and blaze of a sun that would make all the darkness and cruelty of life
vanish. I have no program for this seeing. It is only given.”
Blessed be your name, our Lord and Christ,
May your Glorious Presence within us, warm our hearts,
and open our eyes to see the wonders of your love
permeating the beauty of Creation,
and mankind created in your image.
Welcome and Prayer: Jim Calhoun
Come Lord join us today
You have come to bring us peace
And yet we are consumed with turmoil.
Needs unmet
Desires left dangling
Expectations real and imagined
Spoken and unspoken
fair or unfair
Relationships stressed and strained
Tattered, broken
And instead of peace we have anxiety and worry
Instead of peace we carry resentments
Instead of peace we hold judgements, harshness, bitterness
Save us from this path Lord
Help us reset
Help us realign
Help us start fresh
With every twinkling light help us
With every worn out Christmas song.
With every Santa clause
With every glint of tinsel
With every gift we buy or receive
Help us remember that you came to bring peace to the whole world.
For each of us
For all of us
And then remembering
For every bad driver
Let us pray for peace
For their peace and ours
For every annoying interaction
Let us pray for peace.
For their peace and for ours.
For every resentment,
for every wrong remembered
Let us pray for peace.
For their peace and ours.
For every enemy we confront
Let us pray for peace.
For their peace and ours.
For you are our peace
And the peace of the world
And we are overjoyed that we
Can live into our life
abiding with the Prince of Peace
And in turn
become peace embodied for our neighbor
Morning Talk: chuck smith, jr.
Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you Matthew 5:10-12
Intro: These last two Beatitudes on Jesus’ list are not easy to digest
Jesus envisions a grim future for us – and if so,
– we’re expected not only to survive it, but to rejoice and be glad
• John Chapman was the Abbot of a monastery in Britain
• he was also a spiritual director to others, especially through letter writing
◦ one man who wrote to him, wanted his insight as to
◦ how he could extricate himself from a painful situation
Chapman, “I cannot possibly show you a way out . . . . [what you have is] the simple experience that suffering is really suffering and that the chief feeling it causes is rebellion against it, and even against Providence for allowing it. ¶ It is all a nasty medicine, but works wonders.”
– we agree it’s a nasty medicine, but doubt it works wonders
• we’re more of the opinion expressed by Helmut Thielicke,
Thielicke, “What a ghastly prospect! It makes one ask in all seriousness how Jesus could ever have gained disciples with an appeal like that.”
• so I think what we need to do first, is back away from these verses
◦ and get an aerial view of the entire Sermon
The backdrop for the Sermon’s central theme is in chapter 4
From that time Jesus began to preach, saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Mt. 4:17)
This tells us what Jesus is doing with his Sermon:
– he is preparing us to enter and live in God’s heavenly realm (“kingdom”)
• our experience of his realm begins in this life, though does not come to its fullness here
◦ that is the main thrust of Jesus’ message: our spiritual formation to live as residents of the realm here and now
• there is a second theme that is just important: “Repent”
Jonathan Pennington, “. . . the whole of the Sermon relates to the call to repentance in [Matthew] 4:17.”
– I grew up thinking repentance was a dramatic ordeal
• we learned how evil the smallest misdeeds were in God’s eyes
◦ by seven years old, we had already earned the punishment of eternal hell
Growing up, my parents were so sensitive and opposed to profanity that they would discipline us if we said words that sounded anything like a “dirty word”; for instance, we could not say dang, heck, shoot, crude, or fudge.
I did not carry on that tradition with my children. So one year when Christmas came around, we were to meet up with my parents with along with Aunts and Uncles in the home of one of my cousins. On the way there, I warned my kids not to say any of the substitute cussing words we permitted them to use. At one time in the evening all the guys were in the garage, and my cousin Bob was demonstrating his skill with darts. He nicely grouped three darts near the bullseye, and my son Will, who was seven years old, blurted out, “Oh my gosh!” Then he looked over at me and I was giving him the stink eye. He quickly corrected himself and said, “I mean, praise the Lord, praise the Lord, praise the Lord.”
• anyway, to repent we had to feel immense guilt, regret, and remorse
◦ then confess our sins and beg God for forgiveness — adding tears with our confession was a nice touch
◦ but that is not the biblical meaning of repentance
– a few years ago we spent several weeks studying this word
• metanoia, translated literally, is a change of mind or thought
• and I believe this is what literally happens in our brains when we repent
◦ old habits are hard-wired between neurons, and those habits must be ended to break the neural connections
◦ repentance is a process of re-wiring the brain with new connections
– changing our “minds” in this way, changes our thoughts, words, and actions
In the Sermon, Jesus is redefining reality–and it is different from the world’s view of reality
(which, while growing up, was programmed into us through family, school, and culture)
– Jesus is reshaping our beliefs, values, and behavior through the lens of God’s realm
• the previous Beatitudes reveal this upside-down worldview of our Lord
• those who are poor in spirit, mourn, and hunger . . . are blessed
– this is the way of repentance — a transformed worldview and a transformed life
• the Sermon is meant to adjust our perception to the realm of heaven
◦ and in the process, reshape our lives accordingly
• I realize this can sound rather mystical,
◦ but the goal of Christianity is to live in world as Jesus lived in the world
◦ our total transformation is yet to come, but this is preparation for it
But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself (Php. 3:20-21)
“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”
The first line of each Beatitude has been a challenge, but this one is the topper
– historically, persecutors have been very creative
• they have devised the most ingenious ways to inflict pain and death
• persecution has been ongoing throughout church history
◦ down to the present day–i.e., in China, Iran, and Sudan and forty-seven other nations,
◦ Christians are suffering and dying for their faith
– I don’t want to minimize the experience of Christians in the US,
• some, because of their faith in Jesus have been passed over for promotion, lost a career or clients,
◦ or were perhaps verbally or physically abused by a parent or other family member
• but for most of us, what the writer of Hebrews told his readers applies to us
“. . . let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of God. Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or faint hearted. In your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood.”
◦ all things considered, we have it pretty easy
Abbot John Chapman, “I think it an excellent thing to laugh at one’s self a little whenever one feels [like] a martyr.”
I think it’s critical to focus attention on Jesus’ qualifier in this verse, which is,
“for righteousness sake”
– if you’re being annoying, starting arguments, constantly raising your voice,
• or if you’re behaving like an aggressive salesperson for Jesus,
• it’s not persecution when people shut you down
The previous Beatitudes describe a person’s character;
– poor in spirit, meek, merciful, and pure in heart
– or point out what they are feeling or doing; mourning, hungering, making peace
• but in this instance, Jesus is telling us what others are doing to them – they’re persecuted
◦ and it is not rare at all for a peacemaker to die by assassination
◦ Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Anwar Sadat, Yitzhak Rabin
“Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you”
The final Beatitude is an obvious reiteration of what Jesus just said
– so we want to pay attention to the alterations from verse 10 to verses 11-12
• first we notice that with a slight shift, Jesus personalizes the Beatitude
◦ from “Blessed are those” to “Blessed are you” – for the first time addressing his disciples directly
• like Jesus, St. Paul took for granted, persecution would be a normal Christian experience
◦ writing to Timothy, he recounted his ministry, emphasizing his “persecutions and sufferings”
◦ and then:
“Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted . . .” (2 Tim. 3:12)
– with a second shift: Jesus identifies the underlying reason for persecution from “righteousness sake” to “on my account”
• for me, this produces a dynamic change in my attitude; that is, if there is a good reason or purpose for my suffering
◦ of course, if there is a good reason, it is often hidden from us
As a prisoner and doctor in Nazi concentration camps, Viktor Frankl noticed some people died who were in better health than others who in poorer health survived. This piqued his curiosity, so he began an informal study comparing the survivors to those who did not survive. Eventually he concluded that the men and women whose death had no apparent cause had lost hope and gave up. But the ones who survived believed that in spite of all the hardship, their lives still had meaning. For “righteousness sake” and for Christ’s sake, gives our live a meaning worth living for through suffering and persecution.
• suffering for Jesus is also a suffering with Jesus
“Remember the word I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you” (Jn. 15:20)
– there’s a third difference: where, in verses 11-12, Jesus adds a list of abuses as examples of persecution
– in a fourth difference, he tells (us) to rejoice and be glad when persecuted (!)
– a fifth difference is his promise of a reward (more on rewards when we get to chapter 6)
– a sixth difference, is that here Jesus connects our experience with the fate of the prophets
Perhaps persecution has a unique function we have yet to discover
Anyway, Jesus knew what persecution could do to half-Christians
– that is, people who go to church, enjoy the preaching, and love the music,
• but never gave God’s word enough space in their hearts and minds to sink deep roots
“As for what was sown on rocky ground, this is the one who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy, yet he has no root in himself, but endures for a while, and when tribulation or persecution arises on account of the word, immediately he falls away.” (Mt. 13:20-21)
• Jesus wants our faith to survive every sort of challenge and suffering
– so Jesus gives us this warning:
• persecution is not a sign of a breakdown in the system
◦ it isn’t an anomaly, as if it weren’t supposed to happen
• this Beatitude reveals the heresy of the “health and wealth,” “Prosperity Gospel,” and “Name It and Claim It” doctrines
– Jesus experienced the sharp edge of persecution
• he confessed that his soul was troubled over what lay ahead of him (Jn. 12:27)
• he begged the Father to spare him the bitter cup
◦ so he understands our hesitation to embrace this Beatitude
Abbot John Chapman, “It is not an imperfection to find it painful to submit to God’s will. Our Lord showed us that, by His Agony in the garden.”
Conclusion: Personally, I want my life to count for something
And if my death can count for something too, that’s even better
Welcome and Prayer: Jim Calhoun
Come Lord join us here today.
Help us lord when things go well
Our plans fulfilled
Our expectations met
Our dreams made real
Our appetites satisfied
And our hearts begin to whisper to us that
We did it ourselves
In our power
On our own with no need of others
And no need of you
Help us lord when everything falls apart
Our disappoints solidify
Our histories repeat
Our dread becomes our companion
Our fears multiply
And our hearts begin to whisper to us that
All is lost
Nothing will help
No one will stand with us
And You no longer care
We come to you today bare-faced
Empty handed,
Naked in spirit before you knowing
That our hope is not us
Lead us Lord
Teach us
Persuade us
Gently please
Because we are listening
That our hope is you
That is our expectation is in you
That our healing and the healing of the world is in you
That our transformation and the transformation of the world is in you
That our joy and the joy of the world is in you
And for this we are filled with gratitude
Witnesses of all you do
Thank you Lord
Thank you
Thank you
Morning Talk: chuck smith, jr.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God Matthew 5:8-9
Intro: Jesus is sitting on a mountain overlooking Sea of Galilee
He is teaching a course on “Christian Spirituality”
– we are now five weeks into his introduction: The Beatitudes
• prior to teaching this course, Jesus had been announcing, “the kingdom of heaven is at hand”
◦ the course he teaches is meant to prepare us for that kingdom
◦ the Beatitudes reveal characteristics of the abundant life–the truly “good life”
• Jesus is not giving us a new list of rules
◦ he isn’t telling us what we should be doing, but describing what his followers are becoming
• all through this course, Jesus is working from the inside-out
◦ this is obvious in the next Beatitude we’re going to probe
“Blessed are the pure in heart”
If you ever look at all the ways the word “heart” appears in the Scriptures,
– you discover it is a complex and comprehensive word
• heart sometimes represents the entire inner life of a person, but it is also:
◦ a physical organ: the center of biological life
◦ a category of psychological phenomena: knowledge and wisdom, thought and reflection
◦ a center of emotional experiences: joy and sorrow; the heart becomes troubled and suffers anguish
◦ a capacity for spiritual potential: it can be desperately wicked, but God can also write his covenant law on it
• so the book of Proverbs counsels us to:
Keep you heart with all vigilance,
for from it flow the springs of life (Pr. 4:23)
Jonathan Pennington, “Matthew puts great emphasis on the heart as the true inner person.”
– your heart has a significant influence in making you who you are
• in it are the internal roots of your external behavior
I think everyone here knows what the word “pure” means
– the Scriptures translate the same Hebrew word “pure” and “clean” — the same for the Greek words
• in one of Matthew’s stories, Pharisees came from Jerusalem
◦ you can tell they were on a mission to find fault with Jesus
◦ while observing him and his disciples, they identified a specific violation
“Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? For they do not wash their hands when they eat” (Mt. 15:1-2)
• Jesus answered their accusation, then used it to clarify something to the others gathered around him
“Hear and understand: it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person” (Mt. 15:10-11)
◦ when Peter asked Jesus to explain that, Jesus said,
“Are you also still without understanding? . . . what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person. For out of the heart comes evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander. These are what defile a person (Mt. 15:15-20)
◦ so a pure heart is a clean heart
– but that is looking at purity from just one angle — another way to look at it is its “perfection”
• in pure gold, there is no other alloy; pure water is free of pollutants
◦ there is a wholeness, a completeness to purity
(see Mt. 6:22, where the “single,” undivided, whole and healthy eye fills the whole body with light)
◦ Jesus emphasizes this in the Sermon and other places — for instance:
to the Rich young man he said, “If you would be complete, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven” (Mark has, “You lack one thing” which suggests his purity was incomplete Mt. 19:21; Mk. 10:21)
to Martha he said, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her” (Lk. 10:41-42)
• a pure heart has one devotion, because,
No one can serve two masters . . . (Mt. 6:24)
◦ this is why David prayed,
“Teach me your way, O LORD,
that I may walk in your truth;
unite my heart to fear your name (Ps. 86:11)
◦ and why James wrote,
“a double-minded man [is] unstable in all his ways” (Jas. 1:8)
Compare what Abraham Maslow said regarding separating our spiritual activities from our normal daily routines. It is basically the same as James statement about double-minded instability: “As always, dichotomizing pathologizes (and pathology dichotomizes). Isolating two interrelated parts from each other, parts that need each other, parts that are truly ‘parts’ and now wholes, distorts them both, sickens and contaminates them.”
Jesus will tell his disciples not to be like the hypocrites
– he doesn’t mean people who say one thing and do something else,
• but people who are two things at once
◦ on the outside they’re pious, but on inside they’re devious (cf. Mt. 23:25-28)
• in the Sermon, Jesus is going after our hearts
◦ he wants our hearts all for himself and the Father
“for they shall see God”
Can you imagine anything more wonderful than this?
– it is with our hearts that we see God now, by faith
• but something far more wonderful is coming
• it will be worth whatever sacrifices we must make now
– the remainder of this chapter will continue to enlighten our hearts
“Blessed are the peacemakers”
I think it is very odd that most churches tend to build barriers
– people visit them or look up their website,
• and the first thing they encounter is a doctrinal statement
◦ that tells the visitor,
“Here’s who we are and what we’re about. So you can join us if you believe what we believe, think like us, look like us, and agree with us.”
◦ that can be a barrier even to an open-minded unbeliever
• the sermons of many preachers are filled with us/them jargon
– peacemakers don’t build barriers, they build bridges
• one of the peacemaker’s role is that of a mediator
◦ mediators bring people together, and help them work out their differences
◦ or, if they cannot work out their differences, they will still be able to enjoy a relationship with each other
• another role is that of a reconciler
◦ someone who sees another person as their enemy and refuses to even speak to them
◦ the peacemaker works to reconcile the breach between them
The first time I read all the way through New Testament, it was in The Good News Bible
– I still love the way the word reconcile is interpreted there:
“When anyone is joined to Christ, he is a new being; the old is gone, the new has come. All this is done by God, who through Christ [here is where the word reconcile is not used, but its meaning is clear] who through Christ changed us from enemies into his friends and gave us the task of making others his friends. Our message is that God was making all mankind his friends through Christ. God did not keep an account of their sins, and he has given us the message which tells how he makes them his friends. Here we are, then, speaking for Christ, as though God himself were making his appeal through us. We plead on Christ’s behalf: let God change you from enemies into his friends!” (2 Cor. 5:17-20)
– so, “Blessed are the peacemakers“
“for they shall be called sons of God”
“Sons and daughters” would be as true a translation as “sons”
– Matthew tells the story of Jesus’ baptism in chapter 3
“And when Jesus was baptized, immediately he went up from the water, and behold, the heavens were opened to him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming to rest on him; and behold, a voice from heaven said, ‘This is my beloved son, with whom I am well pleased’” (Mt. 3:16-17)
• Jesus shares his relationship to the Father with his peacemakers
– after two years of the pandemic, someone told me,
“I lost lots of friends to COVID–and not because they died”
• I don’t remember another election being as contentious as this year’s
• there’s a lot of bridge-building to be done
◦ a lot of mediation and reconciliation
◦ will we be able to make peace with others or between others if we do not know peace within ourselves?
Two great privileges: to see God and to be his children along with his Son Jesus
– this is the abundant life, the truly “good life”
• anyone with a pure heart and who is a peacemaker, already has this blessed status
• like the kingdom of heaven, it is “at hand”
(for an idea of what sort of time marker “at hand” is, see Matthew 26:46-47!)
Conclusion: Through the rest of this chapter, Jesus is going to open our eyes to purity of heart and to peacemaking
But if in the mean time, you don’t have a plan to start working on purity and peace,
I’ll share with you what I have found to be helpful
It can take awhile doing this until it becomes automatic, but it’s worth it
I try to build a habit of running my thoughts through a filter
First, I have to bring awareness to what I am thinking
The filter is this:
I ask, “Is this thought purity of heart?”
If I ask the question with a strong awareness of God’s presence here and now,
the answer usually comes immediately (and often, it’s a NO)
We can also ask, “Will this make for peace?”
Most the time, simply asking the question, it answers itself
Try it
Welcome and Prayer: Jim Calhoun
Come Lord join us here this morning
We have no way to tell of our gratitude
Our words are little even as our hearts are full
Still we try
To speak our heart
In our affection for all you do
In our vulnerability
In our blindness
We trust you for your care and consideration
Your great goodness surrounds us
Envelopes us
Holds us together
Your steady hand guides us
Pushing us forward
Pulling is back
Just as needed and
Just when needed
We offer our thanks for the times
We feel you near
Sparrows are gathered
Mountains move
And we offer our thanks for the days we felt alone
The universe echoing, rattling
Our world crumbling
Only to find you were at hand All along
You have set us free
To rejoice in our lives as given
Not sugar-coated
Not turning our backs on injustice
And human suffering
But to rejoice and praise you
Full of gratitude
For who you are
And who you are making us
And for our work together
With you
To repair this world
With kindness
And patience
And joy
Morning Talk: chuck smith, jr.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy Matthew 5:6-7
Intro: When I began preparing today’s talk, there was a sudden moment when I felt very small
The spiritual wisdom of Jesus rivals every other enlightened text
– even gurus, like Gandhi, who rejected Christianity have admired the Sermon
• reading the words of Jesus, and trying to explain them to you,
◦ leaves me feeling inadequate and foolish
◦ like a four-year old who is told, “Explain quantum physics
– what I know about these two Beatitudes, I learned on the job,
• not from other Bible teachers or commentaries,
◦ but in my own ministry of applying the words of God to the lived experience of people on this journey
• what we’ll go over today may be challenging, but it will be practical and liveable,
◦ and what I believe Jesus wants us to learn
– we will discover that the message of these two Beatitudes, is richer and healthier than what we’ve ever known
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness
Righteous is a key theme in the Sermon, and perhaps even the central theme
– if it’s that important to Jesus, it must be important to us
• for years, I thought “righteous” meant: pious, religious, ultra-strict
◦ someone who kept all the rules, obeyed all the commandments
• then twenty years ago a spiritual mentor explained to me,
Fr. Romuald, “We have made the Law [of Moses] moral; it’s not, it’s relational.”
– for the Pharisees, the Law was moral – all about right and wrong
• their task was to learn it and obey it, and they found they could do that in a way:
◦ that made them feel superior to others
◦ that cut them off from others rather than connect with others
◦ that empowered them to judge and condemn others
◦ that made them believe they were more righteous than others
• they reduced religion to the bare minimum
◦ this was Jesus’ criticism of Pharisee piety
For you tithe mind and dill and cumin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faithfulness (Mt. 23:23)
– living by the rules is like “painting by numbers”
• it is not authentic art – and it has no life of its own
• this is what Christianity has become to many people
◦ but it is not what God had in mind or what Jesus taught
I immediately felt the truth and power of Romuald’s words
“God’s Law is not moral it is relational”
– I don’t think I’ll ever feel like I’ve emphasized this point enough
– the purpose of the Law was to seal a covenant relationship
• the Ten Commandments begin with Israel’s exclusive relationship with Yahweh
◦ then they reveal how we show love to God and to others
• I will take you to two passages that clearly illustrate the relational nature of the Law
1. Jesus was asked, “Which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” He answered,
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul ad with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets” (Mt. 22:36-40)
2. Paul wrote, “Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law. For the commandments, ‘You shall not commit adultery, You shall not murder, You shall not steal, You shall not covet,’ and any other commandment are summed up in this word: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ Love does not wrong to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfilling of the law” (Ro. 13:8-10)
Jesus says that those who hunger for righteousness are blessed
Hunger is a state of deprivation – we know it by how it feels
– it is an unpleasant feeling, a discomfort, a void that demands attention
• when Jesus applies this need, this craving, to righteousness, he gives it a new application
◦ in this instance, it is not the body that hungers, but the soul
• I can think of three ways this hunger for righteousness works in us:
◦ we long to be in a right relationship with God
◦ we long to be in right relationships with others
◦ we long to see the entire world in right relationships (nationally, socially, and personally)
– when we look at nations, cities, and human society in general, and our hearts break over hatred and war, crime and cruelty, suffering and starvation, we are hungering for righteousness
• sometimes so deeply, that it feels like we’re starving for righteousness
• we even hunger to be better people than what we are
◦ but with our best plans and efforts, we still screw up
◦ we hunger for a completeness, a wholeness, that we lack
Jesus sees this hunger as a “blessed” state
– it means we desire the right things:
• people who love – show kindness – give assistance – and support others
• we long to see humankind motivated by goodness
◦ not all of the self-centered, worldly-centered values, that have us at odds with each other, scrambling over each other to get there first, or get the most, or get the best, leaving the crumbs for the poor
– Jesus see our hungering souls as blessed, because we shall be satisfied
• a new age will bring a new world that will be just like the one we dream of and wish for
◦ in the meantime, Jesus will teach us to pray:
Your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven
– it should now be easy to see how this hunger leads to the next Beatitude
Blessed are the merciful
Two times, quoting the same verse, Jesus will criticize the Pharisees for their failure to show mercy
Go and learn what this means: “I desire mercy, and not sacrifice” (Mt. 9:13)
If you had known what this means, “I desire mercy, and not sacrifice,” you would not have condemned the guiltless (Mt. 12:7)
– I’m not sure what woke me up to mercy, but one day I was overwhelmed with the realization, of how unmerciful I was, and what a terrible thing that is
• to get to the heart of mercy, we can jump ahead in the Sermon
Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you (Mt. 7:1-2)
– here’s the question:
How much mercy do you want God to show you?
• I would have to be crazy to say, “I want God to be hyper-critical of my every thought and action”
• however, that is precisely how I would be judged, if I use a very fine criteria in the way I judge others
Our nation has become overwhelmingly judgmental and hyper-critical
– and it will be 100 times worse if Project 2025 has any role in the new administration
• it’s very easy to judge others for sins that are not our own
• easy for me to judge the woman contemplating abortion, or the gay person, or the trans-gender person
◦ at the very least, we need to try to understand those we want to condemn
◦ I do not live inside their heads, nor can I see them through the eyes of Jesus
Almost everyone is familiar with John 3:16, but fewer know that verse’s less famous twin, John 3:17,
For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.
Jesus would not be much of a Savior if he came to condemn every sinner.
– but even still, it’s almost impossible not to judge others
• God designed our nervous system to detect danger, and we do it and make judgments based on it unconsciously
• so I think the point of mercy, is to catch ourselves when we judge someone else
◦ I feel God’s blessing when I do catch myself
◦ when I catch myself, or God alerts me to a snap judgment I’ve made on another person,
I say, “Thank You, God! I don’t know anything about that person, I am in no position to make a judgment, much less a condemnation. Bring them to Yourself and bless their day.”
– one side of mercy is suspending judgment
• the other side is suspending forgiving
• Paul argued, that no one knows what’s in another person’s heart,
Therefore do not pronounce judgment before the time, before the Lord comes, who will bring to light the things now hidden in darkness and will disclose the purposes of the heart (1 Cor. 4:5)
For they shall receive mercy
If ever you were pulled over for a traffic infraction, and you were able to drive away with only a warning, then you know the blessed state of receiving mercy
– we can only know this blessedness–abundant life–blessing if we are merciful
When I first began attending John Wimber’s Vineyard church in its early (when it was still a Calvary Chapel), I discovered that worship could create a perfect environment in which to become aware of the presence of God. There was another discovery I made. When John spoke, I felt God’s mercy for me–that he knew my struggles, my intentions, my hopes–that he knew me and received me to himself. He received me, not because I was good enough, but because he was merciful enough. I remember leaving one of John’s services thinking, “If I had spent the last hour in conversation with Jesus, this is how I would feel. I would know the mercy I experienced from him.” This realization alerted me to the importance of receiving and showing mercy.
I want to show you now how righteousness and mercy are intertwined (from Matthew 25:36-44)
“Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you . . . .” Then the righteous will answer him saying, “Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink . . . .?” “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me” (Mt. 25:31-40)
Conclusion: Christian spirituality isn’t about working miracles
It isn’t about transcendence, ecstatic moments, seeing angels
(though I would never say no to any of those experiences)
Christian spirituality is about the changes that take place within us
Those that we make, and those we must allow God to make, because we cannot do it all ourselves
And as those changes occur in our lives,
they have us hungering and thirsting for righteousness and showing mercy
Welcome and Prayer: Jim Calhoun
Come Lord, join us here today.
Sometimes we get it all wrong
Sometimes we ask the wrong questions
Focus on the wrong things.
Sometimes we are confronted by a situation
A problem
A disaster
And we ask ourselves
If we are clever enough
Or strong enough
Or rich enough
To handle it, manage it,
beat it back
Or make it go away.
Or maybe we try to ride the wave of circumstance hoping,
hoping everything will be okay,
at least for us.
Acting like this is a solo project
And we are on our own
The beginners and finishers
The ones in control
Like we are some kind of super hero
Or just folk lost and forgotten,
And this is our mistake
And we ask your forgiveness
For in truth we know you are with us.
We feel it in the cool breeze
We feel it in the warmth of the sun
We see it in the warmth of a smile
You are with us in all the ambiguity of life
In all of its complexity
In all of its brokenness
And Lord, we are with you
Remembering just who you are
And who you have been to us
Knowing you are steady in ways we can never be
Trustworthy in ways we can never be
Concerned and considered and loving in ways we can never be
And we are with you
Partners by your invitation
Made family by your invitation
No longer slaves but friends
Working together for the things your hold dear
Come close today Lord
Hold us dear
Fill us with your concerns
And fill us with your joy
And send us out
To do as you ask
Full of expectation
Full of your peace
Knowing all shall be well
Because You are You
Morning Talk: Steve Gumaer
Steve and his wife Oddny founded The Novi Community, an non-profit organization devoted to the care of children in war-torn parts of the world. With the help of a clinical psychologist whose passion and mission has been to help children process the traumatic experience of living in a war zone. Without the loving support, close attention, and interaction with care givers who understand their needs, children are left to deal with the cruelty and chaos on their own. Novi provides much needed training to teachers, therapists, and parents to meet these needs. The majority of the training they provide is hands-on, showing care givers how to make use of play, games, personal interactions, and other projects to regulate the hearts, minds, and bodies of these young souls.
The first big question we ask in life is, “Who am I?”
– at first, our sense of identity is derived from our parents
• later on, it is society that is telling us who we are
◦ besides these influences, we are also affected by how we fit in at school and are treated by other kids
• having some idea of who we are, we try to settle into our place in the world
– then life throws us a curve and we get a shock
• perhaps a divorce, or the death of someone we hold dear, or the loss of a job
◦ then we realize we’re not who we thought we were
• at this point, we begin our adult search, “Who am I now?”
◦ we peel back the layers of a self defined by others
◦ we want to get down to the essence of our true self
When I began this adult quest for a sense of self, I read books
– at first I read the Bible
• I assumed that if I did what it said, I would become my true self
◦ I was dutiful in my reading and compliance to scripture,
◦ but I discovered that it’s not that simple
– I read other books as well
• high on my list were books on psychology
◦ from them I learned:
The true self is often hidden by what happened to you as a child
• I realized that was what had kept me from finding the answer to who I am
◦ my early trauma did not result from living in a war zone, but from my childhood home
[It turns out that following Jesus requires us to lose our self in order to find our self (Mt. 16:24-25). We need to see that our “perceived self,” defined as it is by the world (parents, culture, and other influences) is not our true self, which we find in following Jesus. Paul makes a similar contrast between the old self and the new self (Eph. 4:20-24).]
Early in our marriage, my wife Oddny and I found ourselves in Thailand
– we were visiting refugee camps, providing desperately needed supplies to survivors of the ethnic in Myanmar
• during one of our visits, we met Rose, who was a well-known figure in the camps
◦ she had a reputation for the many ways she had assisted others
◦ she launched a program to assist children who were being overlooked in the refugee camps, because they came without parents or older siblings, and had no one to look after their welfare
• Rose had created a “library” for the women refugees
◦ the library consisted of stories the women shared with each other in small groups
◦ Rose’s compassionate leadership allowed them to feel safe enough to tell their stories of being violated by Myanmar soldiers
– in spite of all that she had suffered personally,
• we witnessed within Rose a power, an inexhaustible energy to do good for others
• as I observed Rose, it seemed to me that she had more of Jesus in her than I
A research crew came to Myanmar
They were there to document the plight of the ethnic peoples who were being driven from their villages, and either killed or enslaved
– the crew visited one burned out village, where at first they found no survivors
• but a soft cry led them to one little girl
◦ either her parents hid her and their own bodies were among the dead around the village
◦ or she was separated from them when others fled for their lives
• the crew brought the little girl to Rose
◦ fortunately, the little girl had heard of Rose, and trusted her
◦ Rose became her foster parent
– Rose needed financial support to care for the child
• when asked how much money she would need annually,
◦ she sat down and began calculating what it would cost for food, clothing, and education
◦ she determined the amount necessary to meet the girl’s needs would be $30.00
This, and other experiences like it, sent me back to the Bible
In all my previous study of the Scriptures, what had I missed?
– what I found was a beautiful thread that began in the first five books and ran all the way through to the end
• again and again, God emphasized his concern for the widow, the orphan, the stranger, and the poor
◦ and again and again, he revealed to his people that it was their job to care for the widow, the orphan, the stranger, and the poor
– when Jesus was asked what one must do to “inherit eternal life,”
• he affirmed the two greatest commandments:
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind,
and love your neighbor as yourself
• when asked, “And who is my neighbor?” Jesus told the parable of the “Good Samaritan”
◦ the parable illustrates what Jesus taught elsewhere,
◦ and the message is anti-racism, showing love to the enemy, caring for the stranger
But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth (1 Jn. 3:17-18)
Today’s news is filled with sights and sounds of the devastation and atrocities of wars around the world
– the suffering and heartache of it is so distressing that we can’t handle it and turn away
• that’s okay to turn away, but it doesn’t mean that we do nothing
• we return to the greatest commandments for instructions as to how we must respond
When Rose took that little girl in and become a mother to her,
– she wasn’t just being a “good Christian”
• she wasn’t just obeying a commandment
• she was love in action
– Rose did not have to advertise her ministry
• people simply knew that they could come to her
• the great commandment is not about doing our duty
◦ it’s about pulling back a curtain and revealing love
◦ to reveal love, is to reveal God to others, for “God is love”
Who am I?
– when we discover the truth, it becomes a whole new source of life and energy in us
Why is The Novi Community in Ukraine?
Why are we in other war zones?
My wife, Oddny, was in Iraq during the United States conflict with Isis
– one night she and her team had to take shelter from a wave of missle strikes
• in the morning they exited from their shelter to a mass of human bodies
◦ out of the rubble, a father came to her with his twelve year old daughter
◦ one arm was bound because it had been severely damaged by shrapnel
• Oddny told the father, “We have to get her to the medic right away”
◦ but he waved her off and speaking English he said,
“Her arm is not her biggest problem. No, her biggest problem is that she is not talking, she is not eating, she is not sleeping, she is not responding to anyone or anything.”
◦ his next words will ring in our ears forever
“It is nice to heal her body, but who will heal her heart?”
– that question has become our challenge
• how can we heal the hearts of children that have been broken by war?
With that goal in mind, we found a clinical psychologist whose research and work has been helping children traumatized by war
– he has been going into Ukraine with us, training teachers, therapists, parents, and other care givers
• they are learning how to work with children to help the process the enormous challenge of living through the nightmare of warfare
Conclusion: The Novi Community is about healing a child’s heart
If their hearts are not healed properly, they’ll be incapacitated to ever live a normal life,
or they’ll be reactive and neurologically dysregulated, unable to control their actions,
or they will be forced to adopt other ways of coping, which may include crime and violence
We have learned from the research of qualified specialists,
that the most reliable to predict a child’s potential healing is
“One adult that the child can trust”
So we go
to war zones
to be with the children there, and walk with them through the nightmare
The person who goes out to love, becomes the embodiment of love
And that is what we strive to be
But the work before us is massive, and we can’t do it alone
We are told that humans are social creatures, that we belong in communities
And it is true; we are all connected
Reflexion–your spiritual community here in Orange County–is a part of The Novi Community
We are one
We are grateful for your love, prayers, and support
You are alongside us and assisting us to have boots on the ground,
providing resources that are helping and healing a generation
Thank you
Sunday, November 17 The Novi Community will host an art exhibit, featuring hand drawn portraits made by children living in several of war-torn cities of Ukraine. Their work will be on display at the
La Ventura Event Center
2316 South El Camino Real
San Clemente, California
The doors will open at 4:00 pm and will run for four hours. There is no admission fee.
Children living in warzones are deprived of basic needs such as safety, education, and nutrition that are required for positive development. They are also exposed to violence, loss, displacement, and all the disturbances created by war. These factors often lead to severe emotional trauma, mental development, social disorders, and skills necessary to thrive throughout their lives and into adulthood.
In the chaos of violence, where young lives are fractured and isolated, Novi reconnects, heals, and uplifts. Supported by care and compassion, these children don’t just survive—they learn, grow, and rediscover joy. Novi equips them to form and maintain friendships and build their futures. We provide specialized training and tools to volunteers, social workers, teachers, therapists, and others who work with children in these high-stress environments. All Novi interventions are based on regional needs and are initiated through local professionals and caregivers. We cooperate with community organizations and institutions, obligating ourselves to the highest ethical standards.
Helping Hands is a play-oriented group activity that helps young children develop emotional awareness and healthy ways to cope with their feelings. Children begin by drawing a life-sized self-portrait and then are led to identify strong emotions, where they are felt on their bodies, and what helps them to cope with these feelings. These impressions are expressed artistically in their drawings. The intervention is adaptable for special needs and can be used in multiple sessions, with a focus on regulation, triggers, coping, and processing. In brief, we are working to preserve the normal childhood life experiences. This activity is just one part of a program that includes play, games, and lots of fun.
We invite you to visit the exhibit and witness the effectiveness of Helping Hands in the lives of the children whose artwork will be on display.
For more information on The Novi Community, please visit novi.ngo
Welcome and Prayer: Jim Calhoun
Come Lord join us today.
Our lives are are sometimes volatile
Fluctuating between our joys and sorrows
Our celebrations and our heartbreaks
Between victory and defeat
This week’s election has brought as much fear to some as elation to others
And that in itself can give each of us pause
Knowing that many, who are our neighbors,
Understand the world in ways distant from our own thinking
And believing their needs will be best met by attitudes, policy and actions we hold as destructive.
Help those who celebrate to do so with grace and generosity
And help those who are heartbroken find hope again in you
And for all of us fill us with your spirit to do as you call us
To love our neighbor
Even our neighbor who is our enemy
And to put flesh on the bone of that prayer teaching us,
leading us,
directing us to better love
And to remember this day and each day to love the least among us:
Our neighbors who are ill
Our neighbors who are hungry
Our neighbors who are alone
Our neighbors from other cultures
and who speak other languages
Our neighbors in jail
Come Lord and join us
And lead us into another day
Eager to do good
Morning Talk: chuck smith, jr.
Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth Matthew 5:4-5
Intro: Welcome back to Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount
He begins with the Beatitudes – not to be confused with “benedictions”
– they are more like a series of riddles
• he describes conditions in which people are already blessed
◦ already acceptable to God and discovering the abundant life
◦ but what he says sounds like the opposite of abundant life
• we would never tell a friend who is grieving, “You’re so blessed”
◦ and even in Jesus’ time and culture meekness was a deficit
– for this reason, we must pat attention to both lines of each Beatitude
• the first line is an incomplete picture
◦ something else comes after the situation Jesus identifies
◦ his “Blessed are” lines are explained in the “for they shall be” lines
• Jesus surprises us in order to enlighten us
◦ he reveals the contrast between worldly values and heavenly
◦ I admit, the most difficult place to practice the Beatitudes is in real life
“Blessed are those who mourn”
I’m going to combine grieving and mourning because both involve sorrow but they are not same
– grieving is a response to suffering a specific loss
• usually, the death of someone close to us – or even a dog or cat
• when we experience grief, we mourn our loss
– mourning, however, doesn’t require a death or loss
• many things can break the human heart
◦ like the way Hannah mourned her inability to have children (1 Sam. 1:5-7)
• we can mourn human suffering, here or anywhere,
◦ or the corruption of industry and politics,
◦ or the damage we’ve done to our planet,
◦ or the lives of friends or loved ones ruined by addiction or alcoholism
Whatever the cause, mourning can last a lifetime
– that doesn’t mean it’s always as intense as the first shock wave
• in many instances, the pain never goes away,
◦ but slips into the background,
◦ like all the other pains and noises we learn to live with it
• but in quiet moments, it can sneak up on us
◦ a sudden, unexpected memory brings a deep sigh or tears
◦ and we say, “I sure miss my old friend,” or a parent, or mentor
– we witness such moments in the Scriptures
Then Jacob tore his garments . . . and mourned for many days. All his sons and all his daughters rose up to comfort him, but he refused to be comforted and said, “No, I shall go down to [the grave] to my son, mourning.” Thus his father wept for him (Gen. 37:34-35–in LXX, has same Greek word for mourning that Jesus used here)
Many years after the love of his life died, Jacob told his son Joseph, “As for me, when I came from Paddan, to my sorrow Rachel died in the land of Canaan . . . .” (Gen. 48:7)
I’ve officiated a lot of funerals (we don’t like that word, so we host “memorials” or “celebrations of life”
– I want to share with you something from my experience
• we have to stop putting emotional band aids on grief
◦ we need to avoid empty clichés: “I know how you feel,” “It must be God’s will,” “They’re in a better place”
Amy-Jill Levine says that phrase “does not comfort the mourner who may be thinking, The better place is here, with me. . . . If I hear again at a funeral that ‘heaven needed another angel,’ I may actually throw something. Let’s not dismiss mourning, which is what such platitudes try to do. The New Testament takes death seriously . . . Death is real. Death is painful.”
– to me, nothing sounds less sincere than, “I’m sorry for your loss”
◦ I assure you that silence is often the better response to another person’s mourning,
◦ perhaps with a gentle touch on the shoulder or hand
• it’s not our place to try to cheer up a broken heart
Whoever sings songs to a heavy heart,
is like one who takes off a garment on a cold day,
and like vinegar on soda (Pr. 25:20).
◦ instead of that, Paul says,
Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep (Ro. 12:15)
There’s no way to suppress the physical agony of mourning
– it is not pure emotion — mourning is physical, neurological, and visceral
• our bodies can release into bloodstream an excess of specific peptides that prevent the nervous system from self-regulating
◦ we feel that agony in our stomach, and heart, and lungs (grief can be suffocating),
• there’s no way to control the deep pain of grief
– I have a theory–it’s mine, and I have no science to back it up, but here goes–
• until I experienced my most significant loss,
◦ I didn’t know how deeply it was possible to feel emotional pain, or how bad it could get
◦ my insides felt like a bottomless well, and I was in free fall
◦ with every degree I descended it felt like death was closing in on me
• but from that pain, I discovered, how deep my soul went
◦ if our souls can feel pain to that depth
◦ they can also feel love to that depth; and comfort to that depth
Which brings us to second line: “for they shall be comforted”
Jesus did not intend for this to be a consolation
– he is telling us that God won’t let our sorrow go to waste
• for me, every loss increases my longing for heaven
• one of the richest lines in the book of Revelation is,
He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore . . . (Rev. 21:4)
– when Isaiah prophesied the time when God’s takes over world
Your sun shall no more go down,
nor your moon withdraw itself;
for the LORD will be your everlasting light,
and your days of mourning shall be ended (Isa. 60:20)
The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me,
because he has anointed me
to bring good news to the poor;
he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
to proclaim liberty to the captives,
and the opening of prison to those who are bound,
to proclaim the year of the LORD’s favor,
and the day of vengeance of our God;
to comfort all who mourn;
to grant those who mourn in Zion–
to give them a beautiful headdress instead of ashes,
the oil of gladness instead of mourning,
the garment of praise instead of [the spirit of heaviness] (Isa. 61:1-3)
Isaiah also described Jesus as
a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief (Isa. 53:3)
– he knows grief, and he gives us a new perspective on our sorrows
• they are just one type of life’s experiences that prepare us for realm of God
• that is not a consolation, it is a benefit, because we can begin to experience that realm now
Amy-Jill Levine, “In part those who mourn are blessed because not everyone can mourn. . . . a heart that knows how to grieve is a heart that knows how to love.”
The next Beatitude is “Blessed are the meek”
If you’ve read commentaries or heard teaching on the Beatitudes, you’ll see how many of those who write and preach try to avoid the word “meek”
• it’s perceived as a weakness, so they opt for humble, gentle, or mild
◦ meek can be a weakness when you refuse to defend yourself or fight back
◦ if you let others go first and if you give up trying to control everything and everyone
• Jesus used this word to describe himself
Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am [meek] and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls (Mt. 11:28-29)
◦ he is saying that he is approachable and not overbearing
◦ he is inviting us to be with him and to be like him
– we must be humble to be a true disciple of Jesus
• we must admit that we don’t know all we need to know
• we cannot come to Jesus self-assertive and aggressive, and smug in what we think we know,
◦ and expect him to take us on as disciples
◦ we must come as children
Jesus isn’t advocating low self-esteem
– I don’t think his concern here has anything to do with psychology
• meekness isn’t a fault or disorder that needs fixing or correcting
• it’s a way of being in the world, without being like the world
◦ it is kindness rather than rudeness, empathy rather than indifference, humility rather than egoism
The outcome here is, “for they shall inherit the earth”
Jesus is quoting Psalm 37, where we read, “The meek shall inherit the land” (v. 11)
– in the Old Testament, the land represents more than the territory within Israel’s borders
• it is attached to God’s covenant relationship with Israel
◦ it fulfills God’s promise to his people
• enter my rest is synonymous with entering the land (Ps. 95:11)
◦ enjoying being with God in a space that he occupies
– it is the fullness of all that God has prepared for his people
Conclusion: We’re beginning to pick up the rhythm of the Beatitudes
A disturbing or difficult challenge in first line, becomes a benefit in the second line
Again, the second line is not “compensation” but the reward of something better
Every tear we shed becomes a seed of a harvest that is yet to come
Those who sow in tears
shall reap with shouts of joy! (Ps. 126:5)
Like everything else worthwhile, we live now for the best possible future
Welcome and Prayer: Jim Calhoun
Come Lord and join us here today.
In truth, Lord, most of us are worried over something
We are afraid and it has us all tied up
And it is so common a thing
We act like this is our lot in life
Like this is just how life goes
We are concerned about the election
All of its vitriol
All of its deception
All of it ugly meanness and the aftermath and the fights to come
and the impact of the next administration
We are concerned about money and bills
About children and grandchildren
About demands we might not be able to meet
About expectations we may not be able to fulfill
About choices we make
And choices others make and how they will work out
Or not work out
We are concerned for our health
And the health of others in our lives
And treatments and procedures
And pain
And life and death
And how will we ever make it through
And how will we possibly manage after
We are concerned that we will be found out
That our secrets will be divulged
Our inner lives revealed
That our reputations will be ruined
That our hearts will be laid bare
That we will lose our friends
That we will be abandoned and alone
In our worry In our fear
We look to ourselves
We become our own focus
We get a little lost
So this morning we turn again to you
Anxious and expectant
That we can keep calm
Because all things are in your hands
Because all things will refine us
Because all things are perfectly perfect
Just as they are in this moment
And we turn to you
Anxious and expectant
Ready to carry on
Because you call us to you
Because we are partnered with you
Because you have given us others to love
Because you lead the way
We turn to you Wanting to ease our worries,
Our concerns
Our fears
Knowing all along
The path to peace is loving
Morning Talk: chuck smith, jr.
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven Matthew 5:3
Intro: Recently, I came across an interesting ad:
The caption said, “Free AI Sermon Generator”
“Free AI sermon outlines help you preach a confident, creative message. AI sermon starter ideas make your sermon fresh and relevant.”
– I realized, from now on my life could be easy; for example,
• last week I mentioned my frustration with “kingdom” (bringing to mind the idea of a nation with borders)
• more than one person recommended that we talk about the “realm of God”
– when I searched for a definition of realm online,
• an AI response automatically popped up, with a list, included:
A realm is a domain or area of activity, interest, or influence.
It can refer to a kingdom or territory ruled by a monarch.
Philosophically, it can be a specific sphere of existence or reality.
Realm can also imply a level of consciousness or a state of being.
• so, for now, Jesus is going to walk us into the “realm of heaven”
Of the four gospels, only Matthew uses “kingdom of heaven” rather than “kingdom of God“
– there’s no difference, except where the emphasis is placed
Amy-Jill Levine, “. . . Matthew is setting up a contrast between heaven and earth: heaven is where God’s will is done; heaven is where God rules rather than where the ‘kings of the earth’ . . . hold sway. Heaven is a different place, a better place, a real place, a place where God rules and life is as God wants rather than as humanity has constructed.”
• Jesus’ Sermon illuminates the realm of heaven and its here, now reality
• we enter the Sermon through the Beatitudes
– my Mom once explained, “They are not the ‘Do’-attitudes, but the ‘Be’-attitudes
• despite Mom’s wisdom, Jesus isn’t teaching attitudes here
◦ he’s not laying out rules, and he’s not handing out blessings
• so what is Jesus doing in the Beatitudes?
Matthew’s synopsis of Jesus message when he first began preaching was:
“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Mt. 4:17)
– “repent” means “change” and especially a change of mind
• this includes our perspective, perceptions, thoughts, motives–and all the rest of it
◦ as we change, we become “a new creation” (2 Cor. 5:17) our new self (Ep. 4:24)
• that’s what Jesus is doing in us with the Beatitudes and his entire Sermon
◦ he is preparing us to receive our full citizenship in the realm of God
– Jesus is changing us, and he is doing this from the inside out
If the Beatitudes are not Do-attitudes, what are they?
To learn the answer, there’s a mess that must be cleaned up first
– in the Hebrew Scriptures, two words are translated “blessed”
• these words have two different meanings
1. one of the words refers to blessings given by God and others
• for instance, fathers to sons, priests to people, one person to another (cf. Ruth 2:4)
◦ to pronounce a blessing is to give a gift from one’s soul
◦ when in the Psalms, people bless God, they give him praise (Ps. 103:1)
(One of the most common ways that Hebrew prayers begin is,
“Baruch hashem Adonai, Eloheinu Melech Ha’Olam“
“Praise to the Lord God, the Ruler of the universe”)
• God blesses people by showing them his favor, doing good
◦ Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 contain lists of this type of blessing,
which generally consist of fertility, health, prosperity, success in war, and shalom
Jonathan Pennington points out that the opposite of “to bless” (baruch) is “to curse”
• we tend to associate these blessings with emotional responses
Happy are the people whose God is the LORD (Ps. 144:15)
◦ when we hear someone say, “I was so blessed,” they are usually referring to the joy they felt
2. the other Hebrew word refers to a state of being: esher
Blessed [esher] is the one
who walks not in the counsel of the wicked (Ps. 1:1)
• the esher blessing is not a gift and it doesn’t involve a transaction
Pennington says it is “a certain way of being in the world”
◦ a way that pleases God
Pennington: the opposite of “be blessed” (esher) is “woe” (Lk. 6:20-26; Mt. 23)
• the New Testament continues to make same distinction as the two Hebrew words
◦ and, unfortunately, translates both words as “blessed”
• the word Jesus uses here in the Beatitudes is makarios, and it describes a state of being in God’s will
◦ so in the Beatitudes, Jesus was not pronouncing blessings on people
◦ he was saying these are already in a blessed state
– we do not have an English word that matches the meaning of makarios
• we could say something like, “a fortunate situation is theirs . . . .”
• Jesus isn’t pronouncing blessings on people who have these traits
◦ he’s saying they’re fortunate because they’re already on the right path
A philosophical quest began hundreds of years before Jesus
Socrates asked, “What was the best life that a human could live?”
– a century after Jesus, the quest was taken up by Cicero, who asked, what is the summum bonum
(“the greatest good” that people could reach in their lives)
• his answer included a life of virtue, wisdom, moderation, and courage
◦ the Beatitudes are Jesus’ answer to that question
• only, unlike the virtues of Greek and Roman philosophers,
◦ the Beatitudes are not accomplishments
– Jesus is not saying the poor in spirit pursued poverty of spirit, and so were blessed
• instead, he was saying, if for God’s sake you find yourself in this unpleasant condition,
◦ you’ve stumbled onto the right path
• let’s take a closer look at this
There are two parts to each Beatitude
I know that observation is obvious, but it’s important to keep it in mind
– in the first line of each Beatitude, Jesus declares a person to be in a fortunate state
• because they exhibit a certain trait, or they’re in a certain situation,
◦ or practice a specific behavior toward others or God,
◦ or they are persecuted for righteousness sake
• but each first line comes like a slap in the face
◦ it doesn’t make sense – it’s a contradiction (how are those who mourn, blessed?)
◦ in that culture, humility was a liability, a disgrace
• so the first line contradicts the values of the corrupt world and turns secular virtues on their head
◦ it doesn’t seem like Jesus is describing a blessing, but a hardship, a need, a disadvantage
◦ these are things that people of the world seek to avoid
– the second line of each Beatitude reveals why the first line is a qualifier for blessed state
• and it is linked to the summum bonum, or what Jesus called the “abundant life”
– notice that the list of the Beatitudes begins and ends with the kingdom (or realm) of heaven
• in between the first and last Beatitude, the blessed state includes comfort, an inheritance, mercy, and so on
◦ each of these verses look to the future, “shall be”
◦ but the two verses that end with the kingdom of heaven are present tense, “theirs is”
• Jesus wants to make us aware of God’s realm,
◦ then to value it, and then to seek it
◦ when we’re cut-off from the world and its vision of “good life,” we’re closer to the heavenly realm
I think we’re ready now to cross the threshold
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”
– poor in spirit can be anything that breaks a person, that puts them at a disadvantage
• it could be material (Luke gives the bare version of the first Beatitude, “Blessed are you who are poor” )
◦ or it could physical, or psychological – I can imagine something like a mood disorder
◦ anxiety, depression, or bi-polar disorders
Pennington, “‘Poor in spirit’ may seem like a positive Christian virtue, but in an ancient Near Eastern and Greco-Roman setting of honor and shame, the poor in spirit are in low places in society . . . .”
– there was only one other kind of person of whom Jesus said something like,
“theirs is the kingdom of heaven”
• those were the children parents brought to him for his blessing
“to such belongs the kingdom of heaven” (Mt. 19:14)
◦ the poor in spirit are often reduced to the status of a child
• I think we hear echoes of the prophet Isaiah
“For the says the One who is high and lifted up,
who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy;
I dwell in the high and holy place,
and also with him who is of a contrite and lowly spirit,
to revive the spirit of the lowly,
and to revive the heart of the contrite” (Isa. 57:15)
To suffer hardships and setbacks and unhappiness in the world,
– does not deprive us of the experience and enjoyment of God’s realm
John Calvin, “The disciples of Christ must learn the philosophy of placing their happiness beyond the world, and above the afflictions of the flesh.”
Conclusion: I can imagine people in the crowd, listening to Jesus
When they hear him say, “poor in spirit,” they look down
– they try to make themselves small, so no one notices them
• they don’t want to be exposed for what they are; that is poor in spirit
• but then they hear Jesus say, the realm of heaven is theirs
◦ not only in some distant future across the galaxies,
◦ but here – now – with Jesus on the Mountain
Jesus shows us ourselves through his eyes –
A perspective that is hopeful and positive
He opens our eyes to the realm of God – and invites us in
We find that even though we do not experience its fullness
it is here already, transforming our liabilities into assets